Referenser och lästips

På denna sida hittar du referenser och lästips för materialet. 

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Bernier, M., Thienot, E., Pelosse, E., & Fournier, J. F. (2014). Effects and underlying processes of a mindfulness-based intervention with young elite figure skaters: Two case studies. The Sport Psychologist28 (3), 302–315.

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Gross, M., Moore, Z. E., Gardner, F. L., Wolanin, A. T., Pess, R., & Marks, D. R. (2018). An empirical examination comparing the mindfulness-acceptance-commitment approach and psychological skills training for the mental health and sport performance of female student athletes. International Journal of Sport and Exercise Psychology16 (4), 431–451.

Ivarsson, A., Johnson, U., Andersen, M. B., Fallby, J., & Altemyr, M. (2015). It pays to pay attention: A mindfulness-based program for injury prevention with soccer players. Journal of Applied Sport Psychology27 (3), 319–334.

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Hill, A., Schücker, L., Hagemann, N., & Strauß, B. (2020). The influence of mindfulness training on running economy and perceived flow under different attentional focus conditions–an intervention study. International Journal of Sport and Exercise Psychology, 1–20.

Josefsson, T., Ivarsson, A., Gustafsson, H., Stenling, A., Lindwall, M., Tornberg, R., & Böröy, J. (2019). Effects of mindfulness-acceptance-commitment (MAC) on sport-specific dispositional mindfulness, emotion regulation, and self-rated athletic performance in a multiple-sport population: an RCT study. Mindfulness10 (8), 1518–1529.

Mardon, N., Richards, H., & Martindale, A. (2016). The effect of mindfulness training on attention and performance in national-level swimmers: An exploratory investigation. The Sport Psychologist30 (2), 131–140.

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Ojaghi, A., Gholizade, H., & Mirheidari, L. (2013). The effect of mindfulness techniques training on anxiety and sport performance among table tennis players. Life Science Journal10 (S1), 225–230.

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Zhang, C. Q., Si, G., Duan, Y., Lyu, Y., Keatley, D. A., & Chan, D. K. (2016). The effects of mindfulness training on beginners' skill acquisition in dart throwing: A randomized controlled trial. Psychology of Sport and Exercise22, 279–285.